Monday, January 25, 2010

Who on earth is that?

That's what I ask when I see a blogger blogging. It's like they have something important to say and I should know who they are. Well I'm not a blogger, but I'm blogging because my college likes to make students blog. My Spanish 103 professor is even making me get a Twitter. At least we're not being forced to use Xanga or Myspace.

Well, my first blog is apparently an "About Me," which is unfortunate because I no not like to write about myself and you probably would not like to read about me. But I do whatever I'm told...
I'm an artist, my friends. I make things, and I talk about them. I make things that are meant to be looked at and talked about. I try to make things that are aesthetically pleasing so that you enjoy looking at them... but sometimes I like to be like Willie Cole and make things just to make you look at them and wonder, "who on earth did that?"
I make arrt. (That was a typo, but I kept it because I wish I was a pirate)
I enjoy [nearly] every moment of the process of making art. There's the Ultimate Artist who made me and made art before we knew what art was; and that's who I make art for.
I love the smell of oil paint, the texture of Color Aid paper, the weird sensation I get from saw dust, the taste of books, the fact that i'm nearly illiterate when it comes to using a my MacBook Pro, the cute squareness of my MacBook's buttons, the slight pain in my fingertips when I play the guitar,
and I love when people ask "who on earth is that?"
and answer, "Oh. She's an art major."

oh, and last thing: my computer experiences that may relate to this class:
a big fat impressive nothing... unless editing pictures counts

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