Friday, January 29, 2010

Influences Art Influences Me Influences Mind

On a serious note, I am inspired by this piece, the Nike of Samothrace. Whenever I think of something that best articulates what beauty is in a material form, I think of this. I think its mostly the mystery behind it, that the artist of this masterpiece is unknown. It influences me to create something beautiful and completely captivating.

Conductors are such weirdoes. They stand swinging their arms furiously with their back facing us. On top of that, they get paid like kings for doing that. I want to be a conductor. It gives me license to be as strange a person as I want. I added this because I'd like to share with you all just how badly I wish I could get paid millions of dollars to swing my arms all around at people with giant instruments. Also, music is an inspiration to me. Classical music always runs through my head and I motion my hands as if I'm conducting some music in my head sometimes. Don't judge me!! Anyways, music is pretty much always playing while I'm making art. It keeps me focused.

This is Indigo Montoya, "prepare to die."
Naturally, Mr. Indigo Montoya is a tremendous inspiration to me: he has set the standard for all men who I may date... that they must have impressive chest hair like him, an awesome mullet which he totally rocks, and a nice scratchy mustache. I would like to thank Indigo Montoya for setting such high standards for the men I will date.
And lastly, there's Mika. He's my inspiration because he is so completly himself in his outrageousness... and everyone loves him for that. I love being a big wierdo and I love being outrageous. So Mika inspires me to keep this up because he obviously loves life and has more fun than most people, simply beacuse he is so okay with being outrageous. He inspires me to be me and not hold back any part of me. Plus, I love his giant eyes and really high voice.

I really hope starts a clothing line someday. In fact, I bought gold metallic shoes and a silver metallic shirt because of him.
I HIGHLY RECCOMEND that you watch his music video, "We Are Golden."
That music video made me realize that my tendency to walk around my house in my underwear is OKAY!

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